
Showing posts from May 15, 2011

Black Currant Anti-Cancer

Black currants are very rich in many phytonutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, essential fatty acids and minerals. Black currants contain polyphenolic compounds that can cure cancer. Properties of Black Currant  Black currant properties contains tannin, vitamin C, potassium salts, and essential oil, the black currant is a good diuretic, anti-sclerotic, pectoral, stomachic, anti-diaretic, anti-colitic, anti-stringent, and hypotensive(low blood pressure). Historical Medical Usage The list of therapeutic properties of the black currant fruits was presented in the 18th century by the abbot Bailley de Montaran, from the monastery of Dijon. He underlined their wonderful tonic qualities, considering the currant as being an elixir of youth. Black currant was used for centuries in Chinese folk medicine as a diuretic, diaphoretic (excessive sweating), and febrifuge(prevent or reduce fever), and Europe. In external use, the mixtures from black currant fruits are used for treating abcess(colle...

Aloe Vera Fights Cancer

Aloe Vera is a herb, which is known mainly for its cosmetic functions. However, this plant is also rich in substances that aid in several illnesses and ailments. The  aloe vera plant has been found to have great contributions to health, both internally and externally.  Research studies have shown that it has properties comprising of inhibitory,  anti-inflammatory, regenerative, and anti-bacterial functions. Preparations made with aloe vera as the primary ingredient have been effective in reducing pain and allergies. In the same way, some of its properties are responsible for cell regeneration that causes close cuts and hemorrhages to heal easily and more rapidly. Its purgative properties, brought about by the existence of six antiseptic agent substances in the plant which are  cinnamic acid, lupeol, sulphur, salicylic acid, phenol and urea nitrogen,  that make it ideal in eradicating parasites, harmful bacteria, and fungi in the intestinal tracts. Aloe Vera can...

Acai Cancer Cure

Other Names:  Acai berry, Acai palm, Cabbage Palm, Palm Berry The acai berry was popular in native medicine and was originally discovered by the locals of Brazil. It was used for its healing properties and health benefits. When researchers authenticate the usage of acai in folk medicine, they discovered more than just a local delicacy. Acai berry was found to have many medicinal and dietary benefits owing to its chemical composition. Apart from the vitamins and amino acids content, the acai berry also contains a high amount of flavonoids and essential fatty acids. On a comparative note, the quantity of flavonoids in acai is higher than that of red wine or other known fruit. Acai has also proven to help regulate cholesterol levels and is recommended to elderly people with digestive or colon problems. Acai is currently being marketed as a dietary supplement for lowering cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, and allergies.

Prickly Pear Cactus Fights Cancer

Prickly pear has played an important role in the pharmacopoeia of native healers from Mexican and Central American tribes (Knishinsky, 2004). The sap of the pads is similar to the aloe which has been used to soothe irritated skin, wounds, burns, and sun burn. Mexican researchers explored this herb for the first time for the treatment of diabetes. Since then, cactus has been the subject of research and is under continuous investigations for its biological activity (Knishinsky, 2004) A number of different forms of betacyanins are known to exist and co-exist in the Opuntia species. However, the concentration and type of betacyanin present in the species is dependent on factors like environment and geographical origin.  Betanin,potent antioxidant with anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. It was shown to prevent cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in animal models (Sreekanth, 2007). Other Names: Barbary-fig Cactus, Cactus Flowers, Cactus Fruit, Cactus Pear Fruit, Gracemere-Pear,...

Purple Corn Cancer Treatment

Chances are you’ve heard about the health value of blueberries. With their deep blue color, they’re high in anthocyanins, a form of flavonoids . The flavonoids found in blueberries may provide protection against disease by upping the antioxidant defenses in the body. Like blueberries, purple corn is chock full of anthocyanins. Research from Texas A&M shows the “antioxidant capacity and anti-radical action were more than twice that measured in blueberries.”  (Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, May, 2003) On top of that, “anthocyanins from purple corn and chokeberries not only completely stopped the growth of cancer cells, but also killed about 21 percent of cancer cells without having any effect on healthy cells.” (Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, October 22, 2008)  Purple corn and blueberries are not the cure-all in and of themselves, but should be part of a varied diet rich in colorful vegetables. The more color in your vegetables the better. Nothing ...

Beetroot Cure For Cancer

Beetroot, also known as the table beet, garden beet, red beet or informally simply as beet, is one of the many cultivated varieties of beets (Beta vulgaris). Beetroot contains vitamins and minerals that can cure a lot of diseases. Beetroot contains an active compound that may cure cancer. Beetroot can assist in a holistic cancer treatment. Beetroot will not cure cancer alone but in combination with other herbs, juices and therapies, beetroot will boost cancer treatment effectiveness. Beetroot Historical Medicinal Usage The Romans used beetroot as a treatment for fevers and constipation, among other ailments. From the Middle Ages, beetroot was used as a treatment for a variety of conditions, especially illnesses relating to digestion and the blood. Traditional use of beetroot includes  antitumor ,  carminative ,  emmenagogue , and  hemostatic properties. The Romans and Greeks of ancient times have used its roots for medicinal purposes such as binding of wounds, dige...

Grapes Effective for Cancer

Grapes comes with different color and varieties. The crunchy, dry, sweet, and tart flavor has made grapes popular between meal snack as well as refreshing addition to both fruit and vegetable salads. The purple (Concord) grapes (with their skin and seeds), and to a slightly lesser degree red and black grapes, contain several nutrients that are known to kill cancer cells. These kinds of grapes also contain nutrients to stop the spread of cancer. They also help detoxify the body. Grapes (Concord) has bioflavonoid known as  quercetin . This works as an antioxidant and operates with Vitamin C to stimulate the immune system to fight infection, cancer, and inflammation. The seeds in grapes contain a substance called  pyenogenols . This substance has a high degree of antioxidant and fights arthritis, cardiovascular problems, stress, and allergies. Picture By : Vida Naji

Celery Cancer Cure

Celery leaves has high content of vitamin A while the stems are an excellent source of vitamins B1, B2, B6 and C with rich supplies of potassium, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sodium and plenty essential amino acids. Celery is an excellent source of immune boosting vitamin C, allowing it to be a fighter of the common cold. Its anti-inflammatory properties have also been found effective against asthma. Nutrients in the fiber are released during juicing, aiding bowel movements. The natural organic sodium (salt) in celery is very safe for consumption, in fact it is essential for the body. Even individuals who are salt-sensitive can safely take the sodium in celery, unlike table salt (iodised sodium) which is harmful for those with high blood pressure. Celery has always been associated with lowering of blood pressure. When combined with other juices, it provides different formula that help other conditions. An old Chinese remedy for high blood pressure is to drink cele...

Peaches Anti-Cancer

Peaches are good for you because they are a source of vitamins A and C and they are a good source of fiber especially with the peal. Peaches are also a good source of potassium and contain some calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and folate. Though low in calories—one cup of sliced peaches has only 60 calories—and composed of 80 percent water, peaches are packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals, and carotenoids. The dose of fiber in peaches acts as a gentle laxative, aids digestion, and may also help combat cancer.  Peaches is rich in cancer-fighting vitamin A in the form of beta carotene,  as well as the immune-boosting vitamin C, which also protects against heart disease. Rich in iron and potassium, peaches help ensure proper functioning of cells, the balance of fluid and electrolytes in the body, and nerve signaling.  Lutein and zeaxanthin —two carotenoids found in peaches—help guard against blindness caused by age-related macular degeneration. Picture By : Vida Naji

Mango Cancer Cure

In an  “unexpected and groundbreaking discovery, ” scientists at the Texas A & M University have discovered that mango extracts can prevent, if not stop, the growth of breast and colon cancer cells. Susanne Talcott and her husband Steve conducted the trial and examinations. It was found that  polyphenols , (natural substances, anti-oxidants, that are free radical scavengers and promote health) present in mangoes were assessed in patients suffering from breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, and leukemia. These polyphenols showed significant beneficial effects on breast and colon cancers, while they had a weaker effect on prostate cancer and leukemia. Picture By : Vida Naji

Purple Carrots Cancer Cure

Purple carrots are rich in beta carotene and anthocyanins. This kind of carrots have originated from Turkey and the Middle East. In ancient times, the purple carrot was used as medicine to treat everything from dog bites to syphilis. Men believed the carrot to be an aphrodisiac and used it to make women more pliable and men more passionate. The roots of purple carrots have also been used to treat intestinal parasites, constipation, indigestion, and tonsil issues. Purple carrots display all of the health benefits of the orange carrots including better vision, brighter skin, and Vitamin A. While the purple carrot may not be easy to come across right now, the health benefits and color appeal of this vegetable are making the spotlight and getting noticed. The Food and Drug Administration has approved for carrots to be marketed as fat free, low sodium, a good source of fiber, and cholesterol free. Also, growers love purple carrots because they are easier to grow and produce than other ant...

Carrots Cancer Cure

A crunchy texture and sweet taste of carrots is popular among both adults and children. Carrots has a lot of health benefits because of its nutritional value. Carrots are excellent source of antioxidant compounds, the richest vegetable source of the pro-Vitamin A carotenes that help protect against cardiovascular disease,cancer, and promote good vision especially night vision. Carrot juice was found out that can stave off breast cancer as well as skin cancer due to the amount of  beta carotene  it has. Primarily beta carotene is an antioxidant and it eliminates free radicals totally from the body. It also takes care of preventing the cell degeneration which happens in our body. Consequently it also prevents the aging process. Apart from this, because of anti  carcinogen  properties in carrot juice, cancer is prevented. Picture By : Vida Naji

Cranberries For Cancer Cure

The name cranberry derives from “craneberry”, first named by early European settlers in America who felt the expanding flower, stem, calyx, and petals resembled the neck, head, and bill of a crane. Cranberries does not only cure diseases but it can be a cure for cancer as well. Cranberry Historical Medical Usage By the beginning of the 18th century, the tart red berries were already being exported to England by the colonists. Cranberries were also used by the Indians decoratively, as a source of red dye, and medicinally, as a poultice for wounds since not only do their astringent tannins contract tissues and help stop bleeding, but we now also know that compounds in cranberries have antibiotic effects. Cranberry fruits and leaves were used for a variety of problems, such as wounds, urinary disorders, diarrhea, diabetes, stomach ailments, and liver problems.

Strawberry Anti-Cancer

The fragrantly sweet juiciness and deep red color of strawberries can brighten up both the taste and aesthetics of any meal. There are more than 600 varieties of strawberries that differ in flavor, size and texture. Strawberries are very high in quercetin–one of the flavonoids which is important in heart health.  Quercetin  has also been studied for its potential cancer-fighting abilities. Strawberries and other berries  contain high levels of the phytochemicals  that are believed to be responsible for the protective effects of diets high in fruits and vegetables against chronic illnesses such as cancer, inflammation, heart disease and neurodegenerative diseases. Picture By : Vida Naji