
Showing posts from May 1, 2011

Natural dry skin remedies

Dry skin care using natural ingredients is often neglected as we are overwhelmed with offers of artificial and often inefficient solutions. Using natural dry skin remedies, as simple as hydrating facial mask, will make a great difference in your skin's health. Dry skin, of course, easily dries out, can be scaly and itchy. It lacks natural oils that normal skin type has, or the oil doesn't stay long enough on the skin to keep it coated. Using natural ingredients that provide moisture and hydration, and ideally lock in the oil, can help prevent and heal dry itchy skin and make it go from this The following article talks about four widely used ingredients that help in dry skin care.

Winter dry skin facial toner

Combat winter dry skin using a homemade facial toner In order to prevent winter dry skin, you must add a couple of things to your regular skin care regime. Winter skin care calls for extra attention to moisturizing the skin.  By using a facial moisturizer your face will remain protected and nourished throughout the cold months helping fight off the undesirable effects of winter dry skin. Also, a homemade facial toner will add moisture to the skin as well as keep it refreshed and cleansed. Toners prepare the skin for moisturizers helping the skin absorb better and also removing any extra  impurities.

Oily skin facial care

Skin care recipes Oily skin facial care has to include oily skin prevention in order to stop the excess oil from accumulation on the skin and turning it into acne.  If you are already experiencing problems with oily skin, there are many homemade facial masks and natural skin care recipes to choose from in order to control it. Get The Glow, But Remove The Shine: Homemade Facial Skin Care Recipes For Oily Skin Don't you just hate it how one part of your face is oily and shiny, while another is dry and flakey? It seems almost impossible to be able to clean both zones equally. Soap just makes the dry areas drier and lotions make the oily areas even greasier. So what's a woman to do? The problem may lie in the facial cleansing products that you are using. While they may work well for your T-zone, the chemicals in the product may actually be removing too much of the natural oils from the rest of your face. That's the evil of manufactured skin care products. Anywa...

Oily skin facial mask

Oily skin facial mask recipe is one of the most simple ones. It basically contains ingredients that cleanse the skin deeper than other masks as it needs to at the same time open up the clogged pores and remove the excess oil. One great way to treat oily skin is using a vinegar oily skin toner. Vinegar is ideal for oily skin as it removes the excess oil but doesn't irritate the skin. It also cleanses the skin and increases the circulation. Ingredients such as egg white, honey, and orange do just that in oil skin treatment.

Yeast facial mask for oily skin

Yeast facial mask is often used for oily skin because yeast is excellent in absorbing all the excess oil. As the result, the skin is still moisturized but not greasy.  An alternative use is for the prevention and reduction of acne. Ingredients : 1 tablespoon active yeast (used in cooking) 1 fresh lemon squeeze 1 1/2 tablespoons of yogurt Preparation : Mix all ingredients together to get a muddy paste, not too liquidy and not too thick.  If the mask becomes thick keep adding lemon or yogurt. If the mask is too liquidy add more yeast. Apply on face and neck, leave on until it fully dry's out. Then, in circular motion, scrub to remove the mask all over face. When removed, rinse face with warm water and with cotton pad cleanse face with rose water.

Mint mask

Purifying facial mask recipe A purifying mask is on one hand similar to cleansing facial scrubs in that it removes impurities from skin and cleanse the pores. A purifying homemade facial mask, however, adds nourishment to the skin, leaving it smooth and healthy. Here's a great recipe sent to us by Pat: A really good homemade mask is a purifying one my daughter and I developed from things we like and know work well on all skin types. Very sensitive skin runs in the family with lots of allergies to dyes, perfumes and chemical preservatives, so it makes more sense to be sure about the ingredients.  Only one ingredient is not too common, and that's the fresh mint leaves, but we found a great substitute-herbal tea bags! Find a mint tea that contains only mint and use one bag in the recipe.  To extract more of the mint essence, use the water to brew the tea bag first, steeping for five minutes, then stir in the oat bran and proceed. A mint added green or black tea c...

Facial steam for acne, aging and oily skin

Surely, there is no better way (or cheaper) to thoroughly cleanse the face than to use a facial steam. Facial steam opens up the clogged pores and allows for all the impurities and excess oil to come out leaving the skin clean and soft.  There are many ways you can prepare a facial steam.  Depending on the skin type and skin problem, you will chose an essential oil that suits you the best.  The following article shows you how to prepare a facial steam that targets specific skin problems such as acne, aging and oily skin.  If you would like to check out more facial steams recipes that help skin infection and rejuvenate the skin, click here. Want more facial recipes? Browse through dozens of facial masks recipes and facial exfoliant recipes. 

Cleansing facial steams that extract impurities from clogged pores

Clogged pores are a result of the excessive oil production. Additional factors such as environment and dirt end up on the skin and clog the pores. Oil glands, located in the dermis of the skin, open into a hair shaft. Oil glands (also known as sebaceous glands) are beneficial to skin when they work properly. They secrete the oil that coats the hair shaft and protects it from getting dry and brittle.  The same oil that protects the hair, plays a major role in creating a layer on the surface of the skin that protects the skin from excessive loss of water, keeps it soft and pliable, and protects it from harmful bacteria. Pores on the face need to be unclogged and cleansed regularly so that the pore does not go into an inflammation. There are pore cleansers available out there, but there is nothing like a simple facial steam that you can prepare, to clear pores and rejuvenate your face. Pore cleansers open pores and extract all the impurities. By adding essential oils to w...

Vinegar skin recipes

Vinegar skin recipes are most efficient when an organic apple cider vinegar is used. Vinegar use is so simple and versatile, and it takes only a couple of minutes to prepare these recipes.  Vinegar skin recipes will cleanse and restore the skin, restrict the dilated pores, and improve the circulation making sure the whole skin receives nutrients it needs. 

Aspirin face mask

Easy to make antiinflammatory mask There are a few variations on the Aspirin face mask theme, all of them revolving around the mighty Aspirin for a base.  Aspirin has been around for a hundred and so years, and just recently resumed full function in "do it yourself skincare".  Aspirin benefits Aspirin is great for your skin. Basic function of it is being an analgesic and antipyretic, but more importantly, as far as skin care, it is its anti-inflammatory power. This is important when it comes to treatment of acne and other inflammation processes on the skin.

Antiseptic facial toner

Prevent and heal the infection A facial toner, of course, tones the skin by cleaning impurities that have accumulated. An antiseptic facial toner does more than that: it penetrates deep into the skin's layers and clears up the infections. It is especially effective for oily and acne prone skin. Acne are a reflection of an infection in the skin. When pores get clogged up, there is no way for excess oil to come out. The oil is restricted to the pore and redness and puss start forming.  To prevent this from happening, and tone the skin at the same time, try these two antiseptic facial toner recipes. Our reader Lily shares this recipe: Oily Skin Toner Tea Tree Toner 16oz witch hazel 10 drops tea tree oil 30-40 drop rosemary verbenon oil Note : if you can't fine rosemary verbenon oil you can also make this tone with just tea tree oil - use about 45 drops of tea tree oil with the 16oz or witch hazel. The main ingredient here is THE tea tree oil. The reas...

Facial toner cleanses and rejuvenates your skin

A homemade facial toner serves a purpose of cleaning impurities from the face. It not only removes environmental impurities that accumulate on the face, it removes excess oil too. It tones the skin by restricting the pores, diminishing the appearance of wrinkles.  If the infection is ongoing, try using an antiseptic facial toner that is based on tea tree oil and aspirin.

Homemade facial mask recipe for problem skin type

Problem skin is usually the one that is prone to oiliness and acne.  To help combat the oiliness, ingredients in problem skin type facial mask have to be easily absorbed by skin so they don't leave greasy residue and add to the greasiness as well as have antiseptic or cleansing properties. Here is an example of the type of mask you can make:

Strawberry mask

Cleansing masks 1/2 cup of strawberry 1/4 cornstarch. Mix strawberries and cornstarch together to make a paste. Apply to face. Leave for 30 minute rinse off with cool water.