Winter dry skin facial toner

Combat winter dry skin using a homemade facial toner

In order to prevent winter dry skin, you must add a couple of things to your regular skin care regime. Winter skin care calls for extra attention to moisturizing the skin. 

By using a facial moisturizer your face will remain protected and nourished throughout the cold months helping fight off the undesirable effects of winter dry skin. Also, a homemade facial toner will add moisture to the skin as well as keep it refreshed and cleansed. Toners prepare the skin for moisturizers helping the skin absorb better and also removing any extra 

How to Make 3 Wonderfully Easy Winter Skin Toners 

Cold weather is on its way and the winter season is just aroundthe corner. What does this mean to your skin? Cold weather canbe damaging to your skin. If your face is not properlyprotected, it can dry out, crack, and wrinkle! It is imperativeto have a good moisturizer. But do we need a toner too?

For years I concentrated on cleansers and moisturizers,neglecting toners. The only time a toner was used was when Ipurchased a complete skin care regimen set that contained atoner at the department store. When I began to make my own skincare products, I was concerned mainly with lotions andmoisturizers. I finally began to realize that a toner has manybenefits that I was missing out on by not including it in mydaily skincare program:

* Removes traces of cleanser that was left behind after cleansing
* Help restore your skin to its nature acid PH
* Refresh your skin throughout the day
* Set make up
* Adds additional moisture
* Conditions the skin

One thing to remember is to keep it simple. Prepare a tonerthat can be used for both a toner and a refresher. Before youmake your toner, be sure to have the bottle available forstorage. A good choice is a spray bottle, so you can use yourtoner as a refresher throughout the day. Be sure to store yourtoner in a cool place, the refrigerator is ideal. You may use acotton ball to apply your toner after cleansing and also spritzthroughout the day.

A couple of easy toners you can make to help nourish, protect,and moisturize your skin during the winter are the PH Toner,Herbal Refresher, and the Aloe Soother.

PH Toner

1Cups distilled water

4 TBS Bragg's Apple Cider vinegar(or any other nature non-distilled apple vinegar)

10 drops of rose oil

8 drops of chamomile oil

Mix all ingredients in your bottle of choice and shakevigorously before each use. You may use a cotton ball to applyyour toner after cleansing and spritz throughout the day.

Herbal Refresher

1 cup witch hazel

1/2 cup distilled water

1 chamomile tea bag

10 drops of Lavender Oil

6 drops Sandlewood Oil

Heat water to boil and steep the tea bag in the water for 15minutes. Add the chamomile water to the witch hazel and addessential oil. Shake before each use.

Aloe Soother

1/2 cup aloe vera gel

1 cup distilled water

10 drops chamomile oil

Mix all ingredients and shake well before each use.

All three toner recipes are great to help you get through thecold and wintery harsh months that follow. Your skin will thankyou by remaining soft, refreshed and healthy.


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