Body Salt Scrub - Salt Scrub Recipe

For the longest time, body salt scrub remained unnoticed due to the popularity of other homemade body scrub, primarily sugar based body scrub.

This is a shame since this scrub provides the same amount of exfoliation as sugar scrubs and in addition infuses therapeutic properties that come from minerals sea salt is made of.

There are three main ingredients that every salt scrub recipe needs to have in order to yield the perfect scrub:

Sea salt

Made by evaporation of seawater, this salt is ordinarily used in cooking. In salt scrub, its role is twofold: its coarseness exfoliates dead skin cells and its therapeutic properties provide for medicinal help.


Liquid soap is added to the salt to not only keep it cohesive, but to provide a bit of a buffer to the salt's coarseness. For this purpose, Aloe Vera can be used, olive oil, or regular unscented soap that was previously melted.

Essential oils

This is where the salt scrub can be customized. Depending on what kind of an effect you are looking for, you can add the oil of your choice. If you want a soothing and relaxing body salt scrub, add lavender essential oil. If you want to boost energy, add peppermint.

Choose your scent scrub

You will need:

3 cups fine sea salt 3/4 cup olive oil 3/4 cup sweet almond oil essential oils as desired

Mix all the ingredients, except for essential oils. You can use a glass jar for this purpose. Add the essential oil, shake until the mass is combined and then store in a cold, dark place. Shake before every use.

Don't add too much essential oil into this body salt scrub, it will dissolve the salt and make it useless.

Moisturizing scrub

Combine 1 cup of sea salt, 1 cup of olive oil, 1 cup of unscented liquid soap, and few drops of your favorite oil.

Mix all the ingredients and use as described in the previous scrub.

Body salt scrub recipe works best when applied after you have taken a bath or shower and when the skin is damp. Massage the scrub into the skin using circular motion, leave on for 10-15 minutes and then rinse off.


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