Facial toner cleanses and rejuvenates your skin

A homemade facial toner serves a purpose of cleaning impurities from the face. It not only removes environmental impurities that accumulate on the face, it removes excess oil too. It tones the skin by restricting the pores, diminishing the appearance of wrinkles. 
If the infection is ongoing, try using an antiseptic facial toner that is based on tea tree oil and aspirin.

Apple skin toner

This toner is an excellent choice for oily skin, and is a great substitute for rubbing alcohol.


2/3 cup witch hazel
1/3 cup apple vinegar
severeal drops of lavender essential oil (or oil of your choice)


Mix, and add to clean bottle.
Shake bottle well before using, and then dampen a cotton ball or pad saturated with your toner, and swab over face.
Witch hazel is a gentle astringent, apple cider vinegar will help restore your skin's natural pH balance, and lavender soothes sensitive skin.

Cucumber toner


1/2 cucumber cut into chunks
1/2 tomato cut into chunks
1/4 of Vodka


Use blender or food processor to combine all of the ingredients until the mass is smooths and consistent
Dab it on the face and neck using fingertips
Leave on for 5 minutes and rinse off with warm water
Pat dry

The ingredients in this toner act as astringers that tone your skin and remove the dirt and impurities. 

You could store it in a refrigerator in a plastic container with a lid, and use it the next day.

Simple green tea facial toner


2 teaspoons of powdered green tea
1/2 of boiling water


Steep green tea in boiling water for 10 minutes
Let it cool and apply it on the face with cotton balls (gauze)

Daily use of this facial toner is recommended.

Lemony mint toner


1 peppermint tea bag
1/4 cup witch hazel
1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice
1 cup of boiling water


Steep tea in water for 10 minutes
Discard the bag and allow the liquid to cool down
Add lemon juice and witch hazel and store in a glass jar in the refrigerator

It is recommended you use it daily.

Watermelon toner


2 tablespoons of fresh watermelon juice
1 tablespoon of Vodka
2 tablespoons of distilled water


Strain the mashed watermelon pieces through a gauze or paper towel. Add other ingredients to this juice, and mix
Use a cotton ball to dip it into the mix and apply on the face.
Rinse off with warm water

This toner could be saved for later use. Keep it in a glass jar and close tightly, and keep refrigerated. It can be used up to 10 days after it was made.

Our reader Lily sent us these two recipes:

Here are two easy to make toners - one for normal and one for oily/breakout skin

Normal Skin Toner

Rose Skin Toner


16oz witch hazel
1/2 cup dried rose petals
5 sprigs of fresh rosemary


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