Glycerin body scrub recipe

We use Liquid glycerin as a skin moisturizer when we don't wish to use oil. This is particularly helpful when we want to scrub nose crevices, without introducing oil to the face.

Liquid Glycerin is a by-product of soap making, and can be found at health food stores. Its also readily available on the internet as well. Do a patch test to be certain you can tolerate the glycerin, if you find you have sensitivities. In addition, consider substituting all honey. It never spoils, and makes a good long-term scrub which may be stored.


1 cup fine loose salt or loose sugar
3 teaspoons liquid glycerin
1 teaspoon pure honey
3-5 drops of your favorite essential oil 
Optional: Pinch of lavender blossoms (available in the bulk department of good health food stores), or chamomile, or dried herbs of your choice, chopped exceedingly fine.


Mix ingredients well and store in an airtight container.
Add more liquid ingredients if you prefer a thinner end-product. 
Stir thoroughly before use. 
This keeps very well, and in fact, the honey acts as preservative. 
Use small amounts when scrubbing the nose, being careful not to irritate or get it in the eyes.
Scrub elbows, hands, knees, and feet. Rinse in warm water, pat dry, and apply your favorite lotion afterward.


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