Fruit face masks

Easy, effective, and inexpensive fruit face masks

I don't know about you, but I am a huge fan of fruit face mask recipes.

They are very easy to make and carry great ingredients that act quickly and thoroughly.

They cleanse the skin, make it softer, and more elastic. 
They can act as anti-inflammatory agents, preventing and reducing the infection.

They increase collagen production, and speed up metabolism of the underlying skin layers. Here are a few easy to prepare fruit face mask recipes:

Apple face mask


2 apples, peeled and mashed
1 teaspoon of jojoba essential oil
chamomile tea (amount sufficient to make the mass creamy


Mix the mashed apples with jojoba oil and gradually add chamomile tea.
Apply on the face and leave on for 10 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Apples are rich in Vitamin C that increases the production of collagen which makes the skin elastic. It also contains antioxidants that protect the skin from damaging influence of free radicals. This mask is an excellent astringent which tones the skin on the face, and at the same time adds moisture from jojoba oil.

For oily skin

Peel and grate one apple. Add one egg yolk. Mix well, apply on the face, leave on for 10 minutes and rinse off with warm water.

Peach face mask


1 peach (peeled and mashed)
1 teaspoon of olive oil.


Combine the ingredients, apply and leave on the face for 10 min. Rinse off with warm water.

Anti aging peach face mask


2 mid sized peaches
2 tablespoons of whipped cream


Peel and mash peaches and add whipped cream to it. Apply to face and let it rest for about 20 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water.

Peach is one of those fruits that when used on the face in any form, helps make the skin soft and elastic. Peach juice can be used as a lotion, and its meat for face masks. Peach's acidity aids in closing the dilated pores. It is best when used on normal skin type, but it can be used for other types, too. For oily skin, it is best when mixed with lemon juice. For dry skin, it is good to add olive oil into the mashed peach.

Strawberry face mask


A few strawberries (mashed)
1 teaspoon of butter or whipped cream.


Combine the two. Leave on for 10 minutes and rinse off.This mask is excellent for dry skin.

Strawberries have folic acid in them and Vitamin C. It increases the metabolism of the skin, cleanses it and closes the dilated pores.

Grapes mask for sensitive skin


Grapes (a few)


Very simple. Peel and mash a few grapes. Use gauze to strain the mix and apply what is left in the gauze on the face.Gently massage the face so that the exfoliating properties can start acting. Rinse off with cold water to close the pores.

Grapes are rich in Alpha hydroxy acid and is a great way to remove the dead skin cells.

Watermelon mask


2 slices of watermelon (remove the seeds)


Mash the slices and apply on the face. Leave on the face for 15 minutes and rinse off with warm water.

Watermelon is a strong antioxidant that cleanses the face thoroughly.

Pineapple face mask


2 teaspoons of chopped pineapple (you can use the caned one, as long as it is sugar free
3 teaspoons of extra virgin olive oil.


Blend the ingredients using a food processor or blender and apply on the face. Leave it on for 15 minutes and rinse off with warm water.

Pineapple is contain enzymes that help the skin remove the dead skin cells and cleanses it from impurities. This way, it acts as an anti-inflammatory mask. On the other hand, olive oil adds healing powers and Vitamin E to the skin.


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