One-Minute Weight Loss Tips

For many of us, losing weight is such a big dilemma. Many diets just don’t work for the long haul. To add to that, our busy lifestyle rarely permit us to go to the gym and workout. Somehow, it can also be downright dangerous to pop weight loss supplements. So, how do we lose those flabs wisely and increase your chances of keeping it off?
If you think fad diets are not ideal for you, here are a few quick tips for healthy weight loss we gathered just for you.
Do I really need to lose weight?
Do you know your Body Mass Index? Your BMI tells you whether your weight is still appropriate for your height. This provides you an estimation of how healthy your body weight is.
You should know your BMI. There are plenty of BMI calculators over the internet. Or you may calculate it manually by dividing your weight in kilograms by your height in meters squared. Normal BMI should be between 18.5 to 24.9. Beyond that, it may either mean that you are overweight or obese. This puts a person at risk for developing diseases including hypertension, diabetes, gout, and certain types of cancer.
Furthermore, take a look at your shape. Are you a pear, or a peach? Studies revealed that a peach-shaped body, whose fat is concentrated around the belly, is linked with a higher risk for developing medical conditions than those with fats around thighs and hips.
Plan your weight loss program
Once you have decided to lose weight, it is imperative that you develop a realistic plan that you will definitely be able to achieve. You may ask for recommendations from your dietician on making nutritionally sound food choices. Because in order to lose weight and keeping it off for good, the best approach is to adapt with healthy lifestyle changes and follow an eating plan that is enjoyable, yet healthy and low in calories.
Don’t try to lose too much at once
Rapid weight loss may sound very appealing to us. But sometimes, it just seems so unrealistic to think that tomorrow you will immediately get your desired body shape. Altering a person’s eating habits may take some time.
Eat enough
But this doesn’t mean pigging out. Make sure you eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner in right amounts. Do not skip meals. Starving leads to binge eating in the body’s attempt to make up for the lack of food intake.
Lastly, try to increase your activity each day
This sounds synonymous to exercise. However, there is no need to confine yourself inside the four walls of a gym. Increasing your activity is similar with using the stairs instead of the elevator, or walking towards work instead of riding the bus. Things like that.
Move About
Did you know that fidgety persons are burning more fat than those who simply sit still on the chair the entire day? Research found out that even these small but restless movements by fidgety persons burns more calories than those who don’t. This clearly supports that light movements may also help you lose weight, as long as you are doing it constantly. The duration of the exercise matters more than its difficulty. Hence, walking 30 minutes a day will be just as effective as running with the same distance.


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