How to Improve Neck Posture

How to Improve Neck Posture Tight muscles in your neck and chest can cause poor neck posture. Weak muscles in your neck and upper back can also cause a forward head and rounded shoulders, two postural distortions that must be corrected for good neck posture. Neck exercises and stretches will improve your posture, says physical therapist Miye Fonseca on Fonseca recommends the arm swing-up exercise. Both Fonseca and "Dr. Charles" Inniss on say neck stretches and strengthening exercises should be done several times a day for posture improvement. Dr. Charles, a physical therapist and personal trainer, suggests exercises such as the chin tuck and sternocleidomastoid (SCM) stretch. Arm Swing-Up Step 1 Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. The arm swing-up exercise strengthens the muscles in the back of your neck isometrically to promote correct neck posture. It will also stren...