Skin care recipes - Homemade body scrub

Homemade body scrub does not only mean brown sugar body scrub although it is certainly one of the most popular ones around.

The following homemade body scrub recipes are nourishing and leave your skin soft and rejuvenated. They also act stimulating, increasing the blood flow and stimulating the deeper skin layers.

A great sugary scrub is Canola oil sugary homemade body scrub

All it contains is 2 cups of granulated sugar and ½ cup of canola oil.

Mix the ingredients and rub the skin while in the shower.This recipe yields quite a bit, so cut the amounts in half if you will be the only one using it.

Yummy chocolate body scrub recipe


3 tablespoons of cocoa powder
1 cup of brown sugar
1 tespoon of vanilla oil (extract will work)
Olive oil as needed (you could use vegetable oil too, but not if you have oily skin)


Mix all the ingredients except for olive oil.
Start adding olive oil, gradually until the mixture starts looking like a paste
It should be applied on moist skin, the best time is after you took a shower. It will help the skin cells slough off faster.
Use circular motion and massage gently using your fingertips.
Rinse off with warm water.

Coffee body scrub recipes

Recently, ground coffee has been recognized as an excellent way to treat and prevent cellulite. Use it in any body scrub that contains oatmeal, add a tablespoon or so. Apparently, it increases the circulation of the underlying skin layers and distributes clusters of fat that give the skin the "orange skin" appearance.

2 cups of ground coffee
1/2 cup of sugar or sea salt
2-3 tablespoons of massage oil of your choice


Mix all the ingredients. Start off by taking a quick, warm shower. Then, start applying the scrub, gently massaging the skin. Rinse off with luke warm water.

Orange body scrub


1 cup dried orange peel
1 cup of cooked oatmeal
1 cup of almonds


Use a blender or food processor to combine all the ingredients
To make this mix more like a paste, scoop up some and add a few drops of warm water
Rub the mix and rinse well when done.

Poppy seed homemade body scrub


1/2 cup of poppy seeds
1/2 cup of olive oil
1/4 teaspoon of orange essential oil


Mix all the ingredients together. While taking a shower, scoop up some, not more than a teaspoon at a time, and gently, in circular motion distribute the scrub. Rinse well and pat dry.

Salt and baby oil body scrub recipe

Mix enough Kosher salt (sea salt works well, too) and baby oil. Blend until pasty and apply as described in other scrubs.

I hope you enjoy these body scrub recipes :)


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